Endodontic Surgery

Endodontic Surgery

Did you know that it is not necessary to preserve the root canal to preserve the teeth? You can perform endodontic surgery instead of invasive root canal surgery. The difference between this process and root canal treatment is that it does not target the entire root. Endodontic surgery is an operation for specific problems in the teeth.

In addition to providing smile makeovers to residents of Long Beach and the surrounding areas, we also provide the following general dentistry services in Long Beach: Dental Cleanings and X-Rays, Cavities, Wisdom Teeth / Oral Surgery, Mouthguards, Nightguards, TMD Treatment, Emergency Dental Care, Sedation Dentistry, Sealants, and Fluoride Treatment.

Endodontic treatment can help patients with various dental conditions. If you feel pain and the X-rays we provide are not showing any problems, one of our endodontists will examine your teeth. If too much calcium build-up clogs the roots, endodontic treatment may solve the problem. Even if you have a root canal, it can sometimes still get infected. Endodontic treatment can prevent tooth loss. Damaged root surfaces and surrounding bones can also be treated with endodontic treatment.

An Apicoectomy is a procedure performed by an endodontist. It involves opening the gums near the teeth to remove infected tissue. The tips of the roots are also pulled out to reduce further inflammation and infection. A small filling is placed at the root’s end, and the gum is sutured to allow for healing. Over time, the bone at the end of the root heals.

Each insurance plan is different. Please check with your insurance provider before scheduling endodontic surgery with us. Some insurance companies will cover the entire procedure but may not cover medication post-surgery. Some people pay for medication and skip the procedure entirely. Always check with your insurance company for details of insurance coverage.

For more information on dental care, visit Funtastic General Dentistry at our office in Long Beach, California. You can also call (562) 543-0721 to find out more about what we have to offer.

Smiling woman displaying her healthy, white teeth.